75 Years Of Independence And Our Languages

Geographically we live in a peace of land called ‘ INDIA ‘ and conceptually we call it a ‘ NATION ‘. So we are Indian and our nationality is Indian. Now the question is— what else can we know or mean or convey to the people of the rest of the world- – by this phrase “INDIAN NATIONALITY ” ??
whether we all have same language, same literature, same culture, same food habit, dress codes, customs, race, cast or anything ? There might have some similarities for different historical reasons.
Then any rational person may ask this question — from where did the slogan of –ONE NATION, ONE FLAG, ONE LANGUAGE arise ? NATION– is concept, FLAG—is material— we can make it ( as we all know our present national flag has been settled after cancelling so many alternatives). We can discuss on it and then take decision and declare it to the rest of the world. But what about LANGUAGE?
LANGUAGE takes birth within a specific geographical area and then develops itself gradually by interacting with the surrounding languages . Its just like our family- it has roots and then keeps on expanding. So there are some similarities of words or expressions among the members of the same language family. Same thing may be said about the scripts also. We have also seen that some languages have developed but their scripts have not developed. In those cases, the speakers of those languages have used scripts of other language until and unless they develop their own script.
These are all known facts. It is also historically known that we were under British Rule for as long as 250years. We have been using ENGLISH in administration, education, economic activities, business, rules and regulations etc. etc. With these, our literature, art, drama, music, painting, everything has changed- better say – developed. But this can not change our basic culture, basic emotions— we have taken the techniques but used our own emotions and experiences. So ,before independence, we were in a position of developing our own knowledge and culture in one hand and in the other hand could share the world of knowledge and culture of the outside world.
Now let me quote some related portions of the speeches delivered by respected SYAMA PRASAD MUKHERJEE and JAWAHARLAL NEHRU on the first day of the debate (13th September, 1949) on the NATIONAL LANGUAGE issue in the CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY OF INDIA .
…….” As some of my friends have already stated—- we might have rid INDIA of British rule– we had reasons for doing so — that is no reason why you should get rid of the ENGLISH language…….. After all it is on account of that language that we have been able to achieve many things– apart from the role that ENGLISH has played in unifying India politically and thus in our attaining political freedom, it opened to us knowledge, specially in the realm of science and technology which it would have been difficult to achieve otherwise. Today we are proud of what our scientists and our technical experts have done. I say, SIR, we would be suffering from a sense of inferiority complex if we examine the role that the ENGLISH language should play in this country from any narrow standpoint……There are certain matters which we have the courage to speak out, not in individual or sectorial interests but where we feel that such a step is to be taken in the interest of the country as a whole…………
If today it is said that all the technical terms and terminology are to be used in Hindi, you may do so in the provinces where Hindi is being spoken. What will happen to BENGAL, Gujarat,Maharashtra and Madras? Will they also use their own technical terms in their own language? If it is so, what will become about the inter- change of opinions and inter change of educational facilities between one state and another? What will happen to those who go to foreign countries for their future education? There are questions I would ask you to ponder over…………… Let us not look at the matter from a political angle. ”
” …..ENGLISH whether you call it official or whatever you please, it does not matter, whether you mention it in the legislation or not– ENGLISH must continue to be a most important language in India which large numbers of people learn and perhaps learn compulsarily . Why? Well, ENGLISH today is far more important in the World than it was when the British came here. It is undoubtedly today the nearest approach to an international language …… What sort of INDIA do we want? Do we want a modern INDIA…..or do we want to live in some ancient age, in some other age which has no relation to the present? You have to choose between the two. It is a question of approach. You have to choose whether you look forward or backward. ”
But the situation went against the interest of INDIA as a whole – Hindi became our official language. Provisions were immediately made for development and propagation of Hindi throughout India and since independence thousands of crores of rupees have been being spend for this purpose. Very small amount of money are allotted in central BUDGET for the development of other Indian languages except classical languages.
Must Read: উদ্ধৃতি— রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর– স্বদেশ, স্বাধীনতা ও আমরা। [ পর্ব–০১]
What might be the fate of our MOTHER LANGUAGES?